




Advanced English 2 (BA course)

Advanced English 2 is a continuation of Advanced English 1, a course that further trains students in comprehensive English skills, especially reading comprehension, grammar and rhetoric and writing. Through reading and analyzing a wide range of reading materials, including famous works on politics, economy, society, language, literature, education, philosophy, etc., the course enlarges students' knowledge, deepens their understanding of society and life, develops their ability to analyze and appreciate famous works, their ability to think logically and independently, and consolidates and improves their English language skills.

Admission requirements

Advanced English 1

Course objectives

  • Train students in reading comprehension, grammar and rhetoric, and writing skills.
  • Expand students' cultural knowledge.
  • Expand students' knowledge and deepen their understanding of society and life.
  • Cultivate students' ability to appreciate, think logically and independently.

Syllabus (timetable)

Week 1 to 2:        Unit 1     A Class Act
Week 3 to 4:        Unit 2     Bards of the Internet
Week 5 to 6:        Unit 3     On Reading
Week 7 to 8:        Unit 4     Mitriculation Fixation
Week 9 to 10:      Unit 12   Disney World
Week 11 to 12:     Unit 5     A Few Kind Words for Superstitions; Mid-term exam
Week 13 to 14:    Unit 9     How to Grow Old
Week 15 to 16:    Unit 7     I'd rather be black than female

Mode of instruction

Lecture, students's presentation, group discussion, creative writing episode, etc.

Asseeement method

assignments 20%
attendance 10%
Mid-term text 20%
Finnal exam 50%

Reading list

An Integrated English Course, student's book, 6, 2nd edition.

Course online

See Xuexitong link in the right information bar


For substantive questions, contact the instructor: liujiehai#nuist.edu.cn (# for @),
other issues can be shared via our QQ team for the course.

Updated on: March 6, 2025