



The Study of Language《语言研究(第二版)》,ISBN:9787560019536,外语教学与研究出版社

Introduction to Linguistics (BA course)

This introductory course provides an overview of the scientific study of language. We will explore the core areas of linguistics including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics etc. Students will learn how linguists analyze the elements of a specific language, examine linguistic structures and patterns, and study how language is used in social contexts. Key questions addressed in the course include: What are the building blocks of sound and meaning in language? How are sounds combined to form words and words combined to form sentences? How do context and social situations impact language use? How does language vary and change over time? By the end of the course, students will be able to apply basic linguistics concepts to examine the structure and use of language.

Admission requirements


Course objectives

Insight into what language (science) is; knowledge of the basic concepts and methods of linguistic analysis.

Syllabus (timetable)


Week 1: course description and introduction to language

Week 2: The Origins of Language (Ch 1)

Week 3: The Properties of Language (Ch 3);  The Sounds of Language (Ch 5)

Week 4: The Sounds of Language (Ch 5) -习题课

Week 5: The Sound Patterns of Language (Ch 6);The Sound Patterns of Language (Ch 6) -习题课

Week 6: Words and word-formation processes (Ch 7)

Week 7: Morphology (Ch 8);Morphology (Ch 8)-习题课

Week 8: Phrases and sentences: grammar (Ch 9)

Week 9: Phrases and sentences: grammar (Ch 9)-习题课;Syntax (Ch 10)

Week 10: Syntax (Ch 10)-习题课

Week 11: Syntax (Ch 10)-附加补充-树形图画图教程;Semantics (Ch 11)

Week 12: Semantics (Ch 11)-习题课

Week 13: Pragmatics (Ch 12);Pragmatics (Ch 12)-习题课

Week 14: Discourse analysis (Ch 13)

Week 15: Discourse analysis (Ch 13)-习题课;Second language acquisition / learning (Ch 17)-Part A

Week 16: Second language acquisition / learning (Ch 17)-Part B


Mode of instruction

Lecture, students' discussion sessions

Assessment method

(1) weekly problem-sets, (2) written midterm and (3) final exam with closed-ended questions.

Reading list

Yule, George. (2020). The study of language, 7th ed. Cambridge university press.

Course online

See Xuexitong link in the right information bar


For substantive questions, contact the instructor: liujiehai#nuist.edu.cn (# for @),
other issues can be shared via our QQ team for the course.