scrawl:to write or draw hastily or carelessly(匆忙而潦草地写、潦草地画)
scribble: to write or draw hastily or carelessly(同样的解释)
e.g., She scrawled / scribbled a quick note on the pad before leaving.
e.g., Don’t scrawl / scribble on the wall.
I scribbled / scrawled his phone number in my address book.
但要仔细区分的话,前者往往指有意去写,但结果写的不好或者写的潦草(intended to write something but has poor handwriting);后者常常指写的内容可能是杂乱无章或毫无意义(to describe a random pattern with no meaning),比如:
- The boy scrawled on a piece of paper. (男孩在纸上潦草书写)
- The child scribbled on a piece of paper. (小孩在纸上乱涂乱画)